Glede naših zavez
Kot podjetje nenehno razvijamo svoj portfelj, da bi pripomogli k bolj zdravemu prehranskemu okolju.
Izbor strani
Trenutna stran: Slovenia
Izbor strani
Trenutna stran: Slovenia
Kot podjetje nenehno razvijamo svoj portfelj, da bi pripomogli k bolj zdravemu prehranskemu okolju.
V mnogih naših pijačah zmanjšujemo sladkor, da bi ljudem pomagali izpolnjevati vsakodnevna priporočila Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije o dodajanju sladkorja, kjer zagotavljamo jasne in enostavno razumljive prehranske informacije, ponujamo manjše velikosti serviranja in ohranjamo dolgoletno zavezanost odgovornemu trženju.
To give greater choice, we’re providing more diet, light and zero-calorie drinks in our portfolio. We’ve already reformulated many of our drinks to contain less sugar and fewer calories – for example, Sprite and Nestea with Stevia (a herbal sweetener) now contain up to 30 percent fewer calories. We have committed to reduce added sugar per 100 ml of sparkling beverage in EU and Switzerland by 10% by vs. 2015. In addition, we plan to reduce by 25% the calorie content per 100ml of sparkling soft drinks across all our markets, by 2025.
We make key nutritional information visible on front-of-pack labels on our bottles and cans. Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) labels provide at-a-glance information on calories, as well as on sugar, fat, saturated fat and salt content. At the end of 2018, we introduced, on a trial basis to several of our markets, new front-of-pack labelling, building on the current European-wide Reference Intake (R.I.) monochrome model, which reflects the nutrient content per 100ml of our drinks for sugars, salt, fat and saturated fat through a simple ‘traffic-light’ colour scheme of red, amber, green.
We are committed to marketing responsibly wherever we operate, across all advertising media and for all our products, especially when it comes to marketing to children.
To help us achieve this, we comply with The Coca‑Cola Company’s Global Responsible Marketing Policy and are signatories to the Union of European Soft Drinks Associations (UNESDA) responsible marketing and school sales commitments.